

来源:小高教学网 作者:kk 时间:2024-03-25 09:10:49 阅读次数:0



Should We Help Strangers?

In our class discussion about whether we should help strangers, opinions were divided. Some students believe that it is important to help others in need, regardless of whether they are strangers or not. They argue that showing kindness and compassion to strangers can make the world a better place. On the other hand, some students are concerned about the potential risks of helping strangers, such as putting themselves in danger or being taken advantage of.

In my opinion, I believe that we should help strangers when we can. It is important to show empathy and kindness to others, regardless of whether we know them or not. However, it is also important to be cautious and use common sense when helping strangers. We should assess the situation carefully and consider our own safety before offering assistance.

Ultimately, helping strangers can be a rewarding experience that not only benefits the person in need but also helps to create a more compassionate and caring society. So, let's lend a helping hand to strangers when we can, but always prioritize our safety and well-being.

【本文标题和链接】11个热点话题,20篇优秀范文,2024中考英语作文满分就靠它啦 http://www.hzhe123.cn//n/182043.html 页面最新缓存时间: 2024年05月22日 星期三